Stołowe, Poland.

A postcard that Mateusz sent me from Gdynia (it's stamped Gdynia xD). Now it also makes me think; the title should be where the postcards are sent from, or the place that's on the front side of the postcard, or where the senders live? I don't know what is the best, so for now I'll write the title based on where the postcard was sent from.

So! The postcard from Mateusz has unusual size, it's 30 centimeters long. I've never seen this kind of postcard before so I was beyond happy when I saw it xD It shows the panorama view of Stołowe which he visited on Winter Break. It was nice of him to ask for my address and said that he has special postcard he wanted me to have. After 11 days of traveling, this postcard arrived under my door on 20th of April together with postcards from Tony and Yolanda (: 


U.K., Beautiful Animal.

Beautiful animal postcard book series. These postcards were sent to me by Tony from England. Unwritten because they were in an envelope. Tony even write the message for me on the envelope lol xD I especially like the cow one! :D Got it also on the April 20th.

Beautiful Cows. British Blonde.

Beautiful Chickens. Brahma.

Beautiful Pigs. British Saddleback.


Netherlands, Elfstedentocht.

A postcard showing Eleven Cities Tour, a famous ice skating race in the north of Holland, sent by Yolanda from Haarlem, Netherlands. Received on Saturday, 20th April together with 2 other postcards (I started to think the postman will only deliver the postcards if there'll be 3 postcards addressed to me xD). I think the stamp is specially made, it's written Netherlands 2011 - Nice :)



Netherlands, Roses.

Dave from Den Haag sent me this postcard. Thought he'd sent me postcard with Tulips (since he's from the Netherlands), but no, that's too mainstream xD so here is a postcard with roses! Got the postcard maybe a week ago.

Mail from Adam.

During one of our chats, Adam promised to send me few banknotes and some coins from Europe. I promised him Indonesian tea in return. After a long period of waiting, his mini package finally arrived. Not only banknotes and coins, he also include E. Wedel chocolate and Jeżyki^^ I love Jeżyki. Yay! Unfortunately, they both melted so I put them directly to fridge without having a chance to take picture.

Banknotes and coins.

Envelope and stamps.

My favourite stamp^^

China, Xiamen University.

Night view of Xiamen University which was sent by Quanyue :) 



The States propaganda poster of WWII. Kay sent them in an envelope alongside with letters she has written to me :) I got her mail together with postcards from Filip and Evgeniya. Oh by the way, she sent the mail from California.


Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Сувенир из Сибири/Souvenir from Siberia. Postcard from Evgeniya arrive at my place probably earlier, but I got it on 17th March together with the postcard from Filip :) I like that there is this heart shape in the corner.


Hobart, Australia.

On the day I got this postcard (found it under my door actually, with 2 other postcards), I've just got back from other town. I remember it was on March 17th. I had a crappy weekend away from Yogyakarta, but getting this postcard really cheered me up (: Filip sent it from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. In an envelope too.


Katowice, Poland.

I told Adam I'd like to see Spodek again in Katowice and he sent me a postcard with its picture xD I think the postcard arrived earlier before somebody handed it to me (or I found it on the table in the common room?). Came in an envelope.


Krosno, Poland.

Second card I received on 2013. Łukasz sent me this postcard so I can see how beautiful Krosno is^^ I really like his handwriting, it looks pretty.


Helsinki, Finland.

Rudolf Koivun Kuvitusta. This postcard from Sirene arrived under my door in the beginning of 2013 :) Somewhere on January if I remember well. 


Berlin, Germany.

Got this postcard from Guintes (did I read that correctly?) at the same time I got ones from Mats and Milos. 2012.


Belgrade, Serbia.

Ulica knez-Mihailova, Belgrade, Serbia. This postcard from Milos arrived together with postcard from Mats :) They actually were clipped together. 2012.

Tanzania, Giraffe.

After I went back to Yogyakarta from Bandung, I found the postcard from Mats has arrived! Together with 2 other postcards :) Also in 2012.


U.K., Enlightenment.

Conservation Cows. Postcard which was sent to my home, took them when I went back home last year (: From Kaiye in the UK. I don't know when exactly my sister received it, but for sure 2012 xD

And The Story Begin.


What's up? Name is Ayu. This is the blog I made. Mostly about postcards, but could be about stamps, mails, and package too^^ Everything involves the post office and mailbox. The early posts I'm about to write is collection of the postcards I got. I didn't have idea to create a blog before, so these postcards aren't posted as the date I got them, but in the future I hope I can post anything I get in the day :)

After few days of thinking what should I name my blog, I chose The Mailbox of Freyjudagr, because I think The Mailbox of Ayu isn't as ear-catching as Freyjudagr xD About the name Freyjudagr, well, it's me. It's like a username of me. Don't know if that makes sense. I will also make another postcard blog, but that one will be about the postcard I collect without stamps and not written :) Which means, friends and relatives give them directly to me or I buy them when I travel to some places. This blog (The Mailbox of Freyjudagr) will specially be about what I get from the postmen! :D

Now I'm not sure how I post the postcards, should I post only the front side with picture, or the back side as well? I don't mind showing my address, but is it okay to show what's people write to me on the postcards they've sent to me? Isn't that kind of private? So I decided to show the back side too if the postcard didn't come in envelope. If you have suggestion, please let me know.

Thank you for surfing my blog. And enjoy!! :D

If you wanna exchange postcards, contact me to! :)